시민의 건강 향상을 위해 노력합니다.
시민의 건강 향상을 위해 노력합니다.
2014 경남.통영시
귀 지방자치단체는 우리들의 비전으로서, 건강을 모든 정책의 최우선순위에 두고서, 모든 현장에서 건강을 증진시키고 보호하며, 가장 높은 삶의 질과 건강의 공평한 배분을 위해 노력함으로써 지속 가능한 개발에 전념하는, 대한민국 건강도시협의회 일원으로 인증함.
2014 Gyeongnam. Tongyeong City
Certificating as a member of Korea Healthy Cities Partmership that your local autonomous entity would be committed to sustainable development by putting health upon the top of all the policy priorities. promoting and protecting health in all settings and reaching fot the highest quality of life and equitable distribution of health, as our vision.
Chairman, Korea Healthy Cities Partnership
is an international network aiming at
protecting and engancing the health and quality of life of city dwellers.
The Healthy Cities approach was initiated by the World HEalth Organisation which
has been promoting the approach worldwide.
building cities and communities of peace
where all citizens live in harmony,
committed to sustainable development, respectful of diversity,
Reaching for the highest possible quality of life
and equitable distribution of health,
By promotiong and protecting health in all settings.
for a world full of life